Strong Towns Madison is a "Local Conversation" of the national Strong Towns movement, which encourages the community-driven shift towards people-centric spaces. 

Join the bottom-up revolution. Be part of making Madison the walkable, livable, and financially resilient city we all deserve.

Promote Incremental and Resilient Development

Grow Streets into Safe and Productive Places

Encourage Sustainable Transportation Practices

End Irresponsible Parking Policy

Not Quite Convinced?

We're not offended. The suburban experiment has been so engrained in our daily lives that it can be hard to imagine a future without it.

We've created a resources page where you'll find a crash course on Strong Towns ideals, the history of the movement, and the motivation behind it. If you're already familiar with the foundation and are hungry for more, we also provide a selection of recommended videos, books, and content channels that dive deeper into the subject.

Convinced Now? Great.

Join the conversation on Discord or Facebook by clicking the icons below, and consider attending an in-person meeting. We can't wait to get to work.
