About Us

What is Strong Towns Madison?

We are a Strong Towns Local Conversation made up of local residents who support growing the Strong Towns movement and want to see Madison become less car-dependent, and more people-oriented, resilient, and fiscally responsible

Strong Towns Madison is composed of Madison citizens eager for the best possible future for their city. This isn't a politcal movement. We’re members of the community who have witnessed both the progress and pitfalls of our development patterns and municipal regulations. We strive to provide a voice of support for projects that shift Madison’s future towards human-centrism. 

What do we do?


...by attending municipal meetings and speaking out in favor of policies and projects that maintaain Madison's momentum as an increasingly human-centric city. 


...in monthly meetings that serve as a place to exchange ideas, strategize ways to promote financially resilient and sustainable development practices, and educate the community.


...with similarly-aligned community groups such as Madison is for People, Madison Bikes, AARP Wisconsin, and others to ensure citizens' voices are heard and acted on.

The Larger Movement

Strong Towns is a non-profit organization which began in Brainerd, Minnesota, founded by civil engineer Charles Marohn. Strong Towns pushes back against the weaknesses, flaws, and costs of suburban development.

A “Strong Town” is a place that is characterized by more traditional urban-style development practices - Strong Towns are people-oriented, with a focus on walkable neighbourhood design and buildings with a mixture of uses and a friendly-face to the street. Additionally, Strong Towns have sound financial management, ensuring that property taxes received from new and existing developments can pay for upkeep and maintenance in the long term.

Strong Towns ensure that land is used most effectively and efficiently for homes and wealth-creating businesses, and not oversized parking lots, and also encourage more local businesses within neighbourhoods. By prioritizing these things, Strong Towns are financially self-sustaining and more livable communities.